
Most asked questions

Pensions are quite complex and we can imagine that you have questions. We have listed the most frequently asked questions for you.


No. You do not need to pass on your partner's details to BeFrank. In fact, we use the 'undetermined partner system’, which means we will find out your partner's details ourselves if necessary.

No, you don’t need to do that. We use the ‘undefined partner scheme’. This means that during the period of employment, the partner's and orphan's pension is insured, but the partner and children do not need to be registered in the system. At the time of your passing away or divorce, we will look up the partner and/or children in the Personal Records Database (BRP, formerly GBA). We will then contact any surviving dependants. Article 1 of the pension regulations specifies who is defined as a partner.

Yes, of course! You need to request a value transfer through your personal pension page. You can find this option under the ‘Manage directly’ heading. If your old pension administrator or previous employer is unable to cooperate for whatever reason, we will inform you about this. BeFrank always cooperates when it comes to a value transfers.

No, you cannot commute your small pension. Since 2019, this has no longer been an option. We will automatically transfer your pension capital to your new pension administrator. 

A small pension is an expected pension benefit below €592,51 (2024) per year. If your expected pension capital is higher, the value will remain with BeFrank. If you want to transfer the capital, you need to request this with your new pension administrator.

Yes. If you no longer have an active pension scheme with BeFrank, you can request a value transfer from your new pension administrator. Once we have received your request, we will transfer your pension capital to your new administrator.

Yes, of course! BeFrank is an online pension administrator, which is why we provide all the information you need online. However, we do understand that some people prefer to receive certain communications by post. Your employer does need to give permission for this. 

To change this, log into your personal pension page first of all. Under ‘Documents’, you will see the ‘Preferred information provision’ document. Complete this form together with your employer and send it by e-mail or post to our Customer Service department. We will make sure you receive the information by post from that point on.

Yes, of course! You can defer your pension pay-out until no later than five years after your State Pension Age. If you want to continue working full time or part time after your retirement age, no more pension contributions will be made. 

If you want to partially defer your retirement, make sure you extend your employment contract with your employer. If you choose this option, indicate this on your personal pension page no later than three months before you turn 68.

If you continue working beyond the age specified in your pension scheme, you will stop making pension contributions. If the age specified in your scheme is 68, you will continue accruing pension until you are 68. You can continue working after that, but you won’t accrue any additional pension. We will continue to reinvest the value of your investments.